A podcast by students of Stanford University's Business and Design Schools


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chip Heath, Author of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Chip Heath is the co-author of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and a Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

In this podcast, Matt and Nir caught up with Chip Heath, who along with his brother Dan, wrote Made to Stick -- a book that has been a getting a lot of good press lately.

The book draws on psychology research to examine why ideas become memorable. It has become a virtual "how-to" guide for anyone looking to introduce new concepts and products.

Sticky ideas are the result of 6 key attributes: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions and stories (SUCCES). For more on this, listent to the podcast and check out the book!

Here is a full video of the interview. Special thanks to Ben Henretig for the great job on shooting and editing the video!

As usual, please send any and all feedback to us or post it as a comment on this site. Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Max Levchin, Founder of Slide and Co-Founder of Paypal

Max Levchin was co-founder and CTO of Paypal and is currently founder and CEO of Slide and Chairman of Yelp.

We caught up with Max Levchin at the Red Herring Spring conference in Monterey, California.

In this interview Max shares some stories from the early days at PayPal, and provides his views on entrepreneurship.

Check out the video of the full interview below. Special thanks to Jeremy for all the work on the videos from the conference!

Thanks for listening!

- Matt

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dispatch from Monterey: Red Herring Spring Conference

Red Herring recently hosted iinnovate at its annual Spring conference in Monterey where the Red Herring 100 are announced. Matt and Julio were on hand to conduct interviews with a few notable winners.

Special thanks to the Red Herring crew for inviting us to the conference and for iinnovate team members Jeremy and Dawn for holding down the fort behind the scenes and in post-production. Here's a picture of Matt and I with Dawn at the iinnovate "studio."

All interviews should be available from Red Herring soon, but in the meantime you can check them out here.

In a preview of this week's episode, here is a short interview with Max Levchin, co-founder of Paypal and currently founder and CEO of Slide and Chairman of Yelp:

Two companies doing interesting things in the mobile space are Jangl and Jaxtr. We feature interviews with both of them below:

If you want to see additional interviews, we also have a video from our interview with Revision3, Share Methods, and more on the way shortly.

Send in your feedback, and as always thanks for watching!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard

Carly Fiorina is the former CEO of HP and former executive at AT&T and Lucent Technologies. No stranger to controversy, Carly discusses some of the key decisions and learnings in her career and personal life, trends in technology and innovation, and her plans for the future.

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iinnovate catches up with the resilient Carly Fiorina at her alma mater, Stanford University, as she shares her thoughts on what matters to her and why in the technology sector, her high-profile time at HP, and her autobiography, Tough Choices.

Carly studied medieval history and philosophy at Stanford, spent almost 20 years in AT&T and Lucent Technologies, and assumed CEO and Chairman of the Board for Hewlett-Packard from 1999-2005. She was named one of the most powerful people in business by Fortune and Forbes.

After a meteoric and controversial career, Carly reflects on what was done right, what technology promises, the importance of innovation, people, and a customer-driven focus, as well as making mistakes and correcting course in this day and age.

Special thanks to our videographer Sarah Bennett, and to Robert Scoble and John Furrier for their input.

- Min Li Chan and Min Liu

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sam Altman - Founder of Loopt

Sam Altman is the 22-year old co-founder of Loopt, a location-based social networking mobile application that allows users to see where their friends are. Sam gives us a peek into the fascinating and incubative world of a Silicon Valley startup that's gaining a lot of momentum.

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"Oh yea, it's enlightening" said Sam when reflecting on the process of creating Loopt. Loopt arose from a need to find where your friends are over the cellphone. The most common question asked in a conversation is, "Where are you?" Loopt addresses this and seeks to develop a cool mobile and online service that helps you connect with your friends.

In this interview, we talked to Sam in the Loopt Palo Alto office about how he and the Loopt co-founders developed the service, what's ticking in the mobile industry, how to not get a case of vitamin deficiency, and why working for a startup might be one of the most exciting propositions out there. He was recently named one of the Best Young Entrepreneurs in Technology by Businessweek.

Check out this video of Sam giving us a brief demo of Loopt (you can tag and comment right on the video, so play around and write some comments!)

And in this next video, Sam talks about what he wish he knew before getting started as well as gives some book recommendations (a question we threw in there by popular request from those of you writing in!)

- Min and JULIO.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in K-12 Education

In this episode we feature a panel discussion moderated by Ted Mitchell (CEO of NewSchools Venture Fund), and including John Morgridge (former CEO and Chairman of Cisco), Lee Shulman (President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), Ruth Love (former superintendent of Oakland and Chicago), and Mark Atkinson (founder and CEO of Teachscape).

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We are experimenting with a different format this time around bybringing you a cross-disciplinary panel discussion on the topics of entrepreneurship and innovation in K-12 education which we organized.

Also, check out the video for this episode as it has a 2-minute clip from the BUILD showcase recently held in Menlo College. BUILD runs a business plan competition for high school students which I was honored to be invited to judge. If you want to know what’s hot, there’s no better way to hear it from the kids!

Some news: we just launched the iinnovate online community – a social network where you can connect with us and other listeners. Check it out and upload your profile.

Finally, this is the final week to contribute to our survey, so please take a minute and provide us with some valuable feedback.

Thanks for listening!


Matt and I are in Monterey, CA at the annual Red Herring 100 conference, so you can look forward to hearing some great interviews from that event next week, and in the meantime Min Li and Min will be interviewing former HP CEO Carly Fiorina back in Silicon Valley.