Craig Newmark is the founder of Craigslist, the much-admired poster child for possibilities within a culture of trust and fairness on the Internet. Craigslist connects people with things that they need, as well as people with people.
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iinnovate's Owen Tripp sits with Craigslist's Craig Newmark to chat about Craigslist's humble beginnings as a "hobby" that eventually turned into a company--and how it continues to stay true to its original mission as a community service. Craig is named as one of 26 Most Fascinating Entrepreneurs by, crediting him for "putting the free in free markets."
In an interview with Wired Magazine, Craig notes that Craigslist's corporate mantra, if any, is to "give people a break." In a recent discussion, points out that, "Craigslist still has the power to confound old line-media moguls and possibly change the face of 'glo-calism'--local reach spread globally."
Craig affirms these notions in his conversation with iinnovate about Craigslist, the Craigslist Foundation, as well as incremental steps and funny anecdotes along the way, while observing that "people are overwhelmingly good and trustworthy. People are okay, and that's true wherever you're from."
Check out our short video footage of interviewing Craig at Craigslist's headquarters in the Inner Sunset neighborhood in San Francisco:
- OT, MLC & MW
A podcast by students of Stanford University's Business and Design Schools
Monday, March 26, 2007
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Great video/interview, it's amazing to see the person behind such an important website. Thanks a lot for sharing this, we sometime forget that today's supersites started small, often in a basement or a garage! This video is great food for though!
thanks for the video post. Its great to see the face of the man who made so many services obsolete! Who needs newspaper classifieds? (like anyone reads newspapers today anyways...)
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